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Old 05-25-2020, 03:53 PM
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Default Episode 9 New Version 0.7.2

Release Year: 2020

Version: 0.7.2
Censored: No

System requirements (minimum): Os: Windows 7; Hdd 1 Gb

Info: You moved in with your best friend and his family under one condition:
That you don’t hook up with your friend’s cute little Leah who seems to have a crush on you.
The game begins with Leah complaining that her boobs are too small, so to make her feel better you pull out your ’s pocket watch and wave it in front of her, telling her that her boobs will grow. This somehow works, and soon all of Leah’s friends are asking you to them also.
Choose between being the nice guy and the asshole with each girl. It is possible to date multiple girls at the same time, but you will find that girls in small private schools tend to gossip.
There are five main girls with story lines to explore romantically.

v0.7.2 EP9
This version includes the first real ending of the game.
It is over half the length of Episode 9 and has a decent amount of content, especially if you hooked up with Brittany in Episode 7.
Find it near the beginning of Episode 8.
Choose Laura when you first get to Laura’s house for the pool party.

File size: 1.0 GB


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