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Old 08-20-2019, 06:27 PM
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FilesMonster FilesMonster is offline
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Exclamation The ValeDickTorian - Aspen -amp; Quin Quire

Class clown Aspen usually doesn't take his studies very seriously, but he's suddenly found a new interest in the test subject now that Quin Quire has agreed to tutor him. Quin can tell Aspen has only a passing interest in learning, and that he's actually much more curious about a different subject entirely. It seems Aspen's desire for discovery is more in the physical sciences than in finance. Luckily for Aspen, Quin is long on knowledge with a well-rounded base of expertise, and he's more than willing to school Aspen in the three R's: rimming, riding, and really big loads!Enjoy!

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